Mastering Matlab 7 Pdf Free Download
This book covers all essential aspects of MATLAB presented within an easy-to-follow "learn while doing" tutorial format. Discussees all new features of the latest release of MATLAB. Discusses integration of MATLAB with C, FORTRAN, AND Java; increases MATLAB's power and flexibility in dealing with external algorithms, datasets, and operating system capabilities. Offers thorough coverage of indexing, vectorizing, and linear algebra. Features abundant examples throughout and includes a chapter that specifically covers extensive examples. Includes a comprehensive index.
... Note that there are numerous free MATLAB tutorials on the internet -check references . Also, you may want to consult many of the excellent books on the subject -check references [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. This chapter may be skipped on a first reading of the book. ...
... Consider the following script file containing an If construct to be stored in a script file called example6.m % This is an example using If Then boxes = 10; cost = boxes*3; if boxes > 7 31 The logical operator "less than" is represented in MATLAB by the symbol <. We do not cover logical operators in this book but this is an instance where their use is needed. ...
... In Exercise 27 above, repeat the same exponential operation but this time element-by-element.30. Generate a rectangular matrix of 1's of size 2x3.31. Generate a rectangular matrix of 0's of size 2x3. ...
This book is written for people who wish to learn MATLAB for the first time. The book is really designed for beginners and students. In addition, the book is suitable for students and researchers in various disciplines ranging from engineers and scientists to biologists and environmental scientists. One of the objectives of writing this book is to introduce MATLAB and its powerful and simple computational abilities to students in high schools. The material presented is very easy and simple to understand - written in a gentle manner. The topics covered in the book include arithmetic operations, variables, mathematical functions, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, programming, graphs, solving equations, and an introduction to calculus. In addition, the MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox is emphasized in this book. There are also over 230 exercises at the ends of chapters for students to practice. Detailed solutions to all the exercises are provided in the second half of the book.
... The maximum likelihood function of Gaussian distribution is: Get the first order and second order ordinary differential of Equation (20), and set it equal zero, then get the extreme point, ...
... A function of toolbox of MATLAB was applied to the molding and simulation of ELAN neural network [20][21][22]. Momentum BP algorithm with variable learning rate and different parameters were selected to train the network, and training results are shown in Table 2. Table 2, it can be found that the number of hidden neuron has a great effect on the running time, and excessive hidden neurons would cause higher error. The data in the fourth line were selected as training parameters. ...
- Li Shao Wei
To exactly forecast the urban rail transit passenger flow, a multi-level model combining neural network and Kalman filter was proposed. Firstly, ELAN neural network model was introduced to implement a preliminary forecast of the passenger flow. Then the Kalman filter was used to correct the preliminary forecast results, so as to further improve the accuracy. Finally, in order to validate the proposed model, the passenger flow in Shanghai subway transport hub was observed and simulated. Experimental results showed that the proposed multi-level model reduced error by about 0.8% and had better actual effect compared with any single algorithm.
... We simply deleted the attempts to create sparse matrices since it appeared that they were not crucial to the efficiency of the code. @ (function handles) This is a newer feature of Matlab that is not in Octave [4]. We fell back on using the character-string name as in feval('obja', ... provided functions. ...
... MATLAB (matrix laboratory) which is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language which allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, Fortran and Python. [3] MATLAB functions are similar to C functions or FORTRAN subroutines. MATLAB programs are stored as plain text in files having names that end with the extension ``m''. ...
The study was carried out to find out a suitable numerical procedure for establishing a graphical presentation of the soil profile of a site using SPT values and grain size analysis data. MATLAB numerical tool was used for this purpose and the soil properties was estimated using established empirical correlations. A computer Software was developed where SPT values at borehole locations, percent of grain sizes, water table and GPS coordinates of the site were used as inputs. Rectangular grids in 2-D or 3-D space were created for interpolation or extrapolation of the gridded data in 'meshgrid' format. The output yielded intermittent SPT profile and the contour plot matrix for subsoil soil condition of a site. The output soil-profile is presented by a 3-D shaded surface plot that would be useful for preliminary selection of a project site, land use planning, zoning ordinances, pre-disaster planning, capital investment planning, Fifteen borehole data of SPT values and grain sizes along a 20 km stretch of ongoing Janjira approach road project of Padma multipurpose bridge in Madaripur district were used to verify the usability of the developed Software. Disturbed soil sample were collected up to depths of 19.5m depth in every 1.5m interval to perform grain size analysis test. Excel spreadsheet was used where more than 500 data including SPT-N values, percent sand and fines at depths, GPS coordinated, reduce level and ground water table. The soils at the site were predominantly alluvial deposits. All these data were used in MATLAB interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization and programming. The purposes of the study were to find SPT contour profile and soil-profile of a particular alignment of the site and to extract borehole Log form SPT profile and soil-profile of a specific location of the alignment. Outcome of this study can be used in microzonation studies, site response analysis, calculation of bearing capacity of subsoils in the region and producing a number of parameters which are empirically related to SPT values.
... Pour ce faire, ils utilisent des outils métiers. Parmi ces outils métiers on peut citer : des outils logiciels (outils de calcul (Hanselman and Littlefield, 2004), des outils de CAO (Lalit Narayan et al., 2008), outils de gestion de production (Umble et al., 2003) (Pillet et al., 2011), Product Lifecycle Management PLM (Stark, 2011) (Saaksvuori and Immonen, 2008), Product Data Management PDM (Philpotts, 1996) ...
Among the goals of Knowledge Management we can cite the identification and capitalization of the know-how of companies in order to organize and disseminate them. This thesis proposes a heterogeneous and distributed knowledge management system, called OCEAN. Based on ontologies and multi-agents system, OCEAN aims to solve the problem of capitalization and reuse of multi-sources knowledge in order to assist business actors in the development process of mechanical products. The OCEAN system is based on a knowledge life cycle composed by four steps. This knowledge life cycle begins with the identification then extraction, validation and finishes with knowledge reuse. Each step is the goal of an organization of agents.The identification in OCEAN system consists in the definition of knowledge by a business expert with an ontology. Ontologies are used in our system to represent the knowledge, defined by the business expert, in a structured and formal way in order to be understandable by machines. Agents according to the ontology defined by business experts realize knowledge extraction in OCEAN automatically. Agents interact with professional softwares via web services. The result of this extraction is stored in an organizational memory (OM). Validation of knowledge in OCEAN relies on business actors that validate the knowledge of the OM in a semantic wiki. This wiki allows also the presentation of this knowledge to business actors in order to reuse, evaluate or evolve it. Previous works, integrated within OCEAN, inspires the knowledge reuse step. The four steps lifecycle discussed in this thesis has enabled us to achieve a system that can manage heterogeneous and distributed knowledge in an extended enterprise.
... A GUI provides a pictorial interface and a point of contact between the user and the computer program (Hanselman and Littlefield, 2005). It provides a convenient environment with the help of its components, figures and callbacks. ...
The development of intelligent computational tools provides new opportunities to exploit various potentialities of computers. At present, automated computing is the main means for the application of engineering knowledge. The growth and development in the application of computing tools and technologies, and the development of new paradigms has been incremental and linear. Many fields have taken significant advantage of the recent advancements in computing technology to adapt, apply and enhance the way people learn these fields. In this paper, a framework for developing efficient knowledge-based computational applications is presented with an actual case study of concrete mixture proportioning. Recommendations are also developed targeting the possible employment and application of latest computing technologies in concrete engineering. The presented case study comprises of developing a computer application for a recently developed novel mix design method for Pakistan based on empirical results established as a result of a detailed testing program. The experimental testing details and results for development and validation are presented in a separate study. Design flowchart and necessary calculations are implemented in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in MATLAB R2009a environment which is designed as a self-explanatory program providing an easier and friendly platform to compute constituent quantities, adjust various trials and understand the art of mix design. The interface is developed in a simple and interactive manner for convenient visualization of complete step-by-step process of mixture proportioning, aiming not only to provide an easy tool for what-if analysis, but also to generate a learning attitude among the end users. The interface is also equipped with necessary help notes, attractive and self-explanatory interactive graphics and description for each dialogue box. A parametric study attempting to comment on the effect of changing various desired characteristics on recommended constituent quantities is also carried out using this program and is also presented. Keywords: Computational Tools, Mix Design, MATLAB, GUI
... The interaction between users and computers occurs at the "user interface" (or simply interface), which includes both software and hardware; for example, characters or objects displayed by software on a personal computer's monitor, input received from users via hardware peripherals such as keyboard and mouse, and other user interactions with large-scale computerized systems such as aircraft and power plants. In software development field, the term GUI or "graphical user interface" is used to refer a pictorial interface and a point of contact between the user and the computer program [7]. It provides a convenient environment with the help of its components, figures and callbacks. ...
The development of intelligent computational tools provides new opportunities to exploit various potentialities of computers. Many fields have taken significant advantage of the recent advancements in computing technology to adapt, apply and enhance the way people learn and solve real-world problems. In this paper, three case studies are presented which show how the development of knowledge-based computer applications can be handy to both understand and solve structural engineering numerical problems. Moreover, such tools can be useful teaching aids and can facilitate interactive learning techniques being used across the globe. The first case study application is a graphical user interface (GUI) developed in MATLAB 2009 environment for dynamic analysis of a generalized single degree of freedom system against specified force vector or ground motion. The second example is from the field of reinforced concrete design developed in Visual Basic environment for generating moment curvature relationship of reinforced concrete beams. The third case study application is also developed in MATLAB R2009a environment using GUIDE module to automate a recently proposed empirical method of concrete mix design. These interfaces are developed in a simple and interactive manner for convenient visualization of complete step-by-step process aiming not only to provide an easy tool for what-if analysis, but also to develop a learning attitude among the end users.
... These phases have to be performed sequentially; the results of phases I and II are the inputs to phases II and III, respectively. The optimization methodology is programmed using Matlab 7.0 (Hanselman and Littlefield 2005). ...
Maintaining sufficient chlorine residual in a water distribution system is important for water quality and system integrity. Discharging stagnant water from the pipeline through automatic flushing device (AFD) is a feasible method to maintain water quality. This paper presents a simulation-based optimization method to minimize total AFD discharge volume during a 24-h horizon. EPANET 2.0 is used as a hydraulics and water quality simulator. This is formulated as a single-objective optimization problem. The decision variables are the AFD operation patterns. The methodology has three phases. In the first phase, AFD discharge capacities are calculated to evaluate whether the existing AFDs are able to maintain chlorine residuals in the water network. In the second phase, the decision variables are converted to AFD discharge rates. A reduced gradient algorithm is used to quickly explore and narrow down the solution space. At the end of this phase, decision variables are switched back to the AFD operation patterns. In the third phase, simulated annealing is used to search intensively to exploit the global minimum. The method is demonstrated on the water system located at the south end of Pinellas County, Florida, where AFD optimal operation patterns are achieved.
... Note that there are numerous free MATLAB tutorials on the internet -check references . Also, you may want to consult many of the excellent books on the subject -check references [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. This chapter may be skipped on a first reading of the book. ...
This book is written for people who love MATLAB and Fibonacci numbers. One of the objectives of writing this book is to introduce MATLAB and Fibonacci numbers to students in high schools. The material presented is very easy and simple to understand -- written in a very simplified manner. The book is divided into two parts – A review of MATLAB is presented in the first part. This is followed by a presentation of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio in the second part. The topics covered in the book include symbolic computing with MATLAB, solving equations with MATLAB, MATLAB functions, graphs in MATLAB, Fibonacci numbers, The Golden Ratio, Properties of the Golden Ratio, Lucas numbers, Generalizations of Fibonacci numbers, and Random Fibonacci numbers. The book includes numerous M-files written specifically to compute different kinds of Fibonacci sequences and the Golden Ratio. The author has been using MATLAB for the past seventeen years and is the author of the best selling books "MATLAB for Beginners" and "MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements".
... These were combinations of two different backpropagation learning rules, three different transfer functions and several different structures consisted of 1 to 3 hidden layers with 2 to 50 neurons in each hidden layer (table 2). The MATLAB® neural network toolbox [13][14][15] was used to train the defined neural network models. One hundred sixty four values of each input and output data (data sets), referring to almost every week of the two-year period for the area of Attica and the eighteen month period for the area of Chalkida, were used to train and validate the neural network models. ...
The contamination of insulators with diverse substances is one of the main causes for failures on overhead distribution lines. Insulators' periodic maintenance has been proved that can reduce and prevent the outages caused by contamination. In the recent years artificial neural networks (ANN) have attracted much attention and many interesting ANN applications have been reported in power system areas, due to their computational speed, their ability to handle complex non-linear functions, robustness and great efficiency, even in cases where full information for the studied problem is absent. In this paper, several ANN models were addressed to identify the insulators' contamination. Each model has been constructed using different structures, learning algorithms and transfer functions in order the best generalizing ability to be achieved. Actual input and output data, collected from the Hellenic distribution system, were used in the training, validation and testing process. A comparison among the developed neural network models was performed in order the most suitable model to be selected. Finally the selected ANN model was applied on operating voltage insulators, presenting results similar to the experimental ones.
... Proof : Proof is straight forward and it can be elaborated on the lines of proof given in [17]. ...
... For testing the elaborated gathering procedures several researchers apply the intelligent agents' computerized simulation. For this purpose many people have used Webots mobile robot simulator [5], Repast general agent simulator [6], Microsoft Robotics Studio [7] or the Matlab program [8]. In most cases the simulated procedures are cost-effective and can help with the preliminary examination of the problem and the definition of the hypothesis. ...
This article deals with simulations of gathering problems using NXT robots. These robots are real mobile robots and gather synchronously, with no global navigation and communication and only limited visibility. In the first part I want to demonstrate that by increasing the capabilities of those robots that have poor communication and navigation abilities, they can be made suitable for simulating complex gathering methods. The gathering methods of robot swarms and robot teams have been an intensively investigated area of artificial intelligence. Several researchers have made theoretical algorithms for the solution of gathering problems but they have only used mathematical or robot simulators to test their ideas. In the second part the article discusses how after slightly modifying the Ando-algorithm and adapting it to real mobile robots, in the end, I could test the method not only with the help of mathematical simulator but also with real robots.
... x =6.7424, y =0.1327, z =7.2659, F =249.4422. Similarly, it is not difficult to calculate the optimal solution of OPASCCDUC-Model by MATLAB program [6] when given three different compensation cost shown in Tab.3. ...
... I then did a Fourier analysis of the signal by decomposing these waves down into a number of different sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes. I did this by using Matlab software [4]. Later in the investigation, I wanted to try applying more sophisticated techniques such as wavelet and Frog analysis, but there was not enough time to do so [3]. ...
... Every output contained values between 0 and 1. Hard classification was performed by rounding ANN outputs. [10] To increase robustness in the presence of large pulses caused by body motion the first HB of the first three consecutive HB with output of 1s was selected for SP. The last HB of the last three consecutive HB with output of 1s was selected for DP. ...
- Han Chun Lin
- Ahmed M. Al-Jumaily
The oscillometric method is the most commonly used automatic monitoring blood pressure measurement method nowadays.Height-based and Slope-based criteria are the two general means used to determine the systolic and diastolic pressures; howeverthey are disputed for their accuracy. Thus, the auscultatory method continues to be the gold-standard for these measurements.In this paper a newly developed cuff with piezofilm sensors and a pressure sensor to collect signals from the brachial artery isinvestigated. Using Neural Networks to classify the acquired pressure signals in various regions, an algorithm is developed andimplemented in signal processing and heart beat/heart rate detection software. The algorithm is tested on 258 measurementsfrom 86 subjects and shows good conformance to the standards set out by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation and British Hypertension Society grade A criteria.
... A "wavelet" is a kind of mathematical function used to divide a given function or continuous-time signal into different frequency components and study each component with a resolution that matches its scale. The wavelet transform is a multi-resolution technique, which can be implemented as a pyramid or tree structure and is similar to sub-band decomposition [10,11]. ...
Steganography and cryptographic methods are used together with wavelets to increase the security of the data while transmitting through networks. Another technology, the digital watermarking is the process of embedding information into a digital (image) signal. Before embedding the plain text into the image, the plain text is encrypted by using Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. The encrypted text is embedded into the LL subband of the wavelet decomposed image using Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. Then the inverse wavelet transform is applied and the resultant image is transmitted to the receiver. The receiver will perform the same operations in reverse order.
... Inspired in part by the brachistochrone [1][2][3][4] and unicycle motion research [5,6], and a need for additional numerical & visual validation using MATLAB [12,13], curiosity, and utilitarian purposes, we seek to exercise the model developed on different smooth surface patches. Surfaces chosen fall into two different categories: (1) those for which the motion should conform to what is qualitatively obvious, thereby providing a basic accuracy check, and (2) those that are somewhat complicated and serve to illustrate more general applicability. ...
We consider the general problem of steering an infinitesimal propelled and steerable particle with no rotational inertia traversing on a mathematically smooth (vs. frictionless) surface, where both the speed and body yaw rate serve as inputs to the system and lateral motion is not allowed, i.e. through a no sideslip condition. More specifically, focus is on derivation of relevant state equations in control input form, numerical and visual confirmation of state equation accuracy through specific simulations, and exploring interesting approaches to nonholonomic path planning with associated numerical simulation and visualization. Given the state equations (3rd order), in the interests of practical validation, they were exercised by considering motion on a number of smooth surfaces. The surfaces were selected for a variety of reasons, such as: the resulting qualitative trajectory is known a priori, there exists an opportunity to check numerical results with respect to previous results, or the surfaces are iconic and/or are geometrically rich. Nonholonomic steering on the surface is a very interesting and challenging problem and several approaches are investigated: (1) steering using sinusoids (detailed), (2) steering on a trajectory, and (3) "drive-and-turn" (valid in this case). Prior to implementing the steering using sinusoids algorithm, it was necessary to transform the system into "one-chained" form. The first step entailed conversion to an approximate one-chained form model that possesses a certain structure, from which the process established by Murray and Sastry can be successfully launched, where two special smooth scalar functions of the states are sought that possess special relationships to Lie-related distribution spaces associated with the control input vectors. Inputs are then transformed as well via specialized Lie derivatives. It was demonstrated through simulation that steering to an arbitrary system state on a faceted surface can be accomplished with sinusoidal inputs in only one maneuver set (i.e. maneuver A & B). Using this fact, the work presented culminates with steering to an arbitrary system state on a smooth surface that can be accomplished by essentially iterating on a steering algorithm that assumes the particle is on a plane tangent to the smooth surface at the desired destination. In this regard, it is shown that a sequence of maneuver sets converges rather quickly in the example demonstrated. Applications of this work pertain to the fairly general situation of steering a vehicle on a smooth surface, a practical vehicle navigation and control problem.
... • • Temperature Control in a Die Collectively, these simulation labs cover a wide range of topics, including some interesting applications that contain subsystems from each of the energy domains covered in lecture plus some classical feedback control. Detailed handouts were also prepared for each lab and 2 textbooks were required (Hanselman & Littlefield, 2005;Dabney & Harman, 2004). ...
... A structure holds number of data types grouped together and these data types may or may not be identical [2]. MATLAB provides two data types, Cell Arrays and Structures [3]. These data type enables assemble of dissimilar but related arrays into a single variable. ...
This paper discusses a comparative study of using Cell Arrays & Structures and loops of MATLAB in FDTD for calculation of scattered fields of PEC sphere. Results obtained using both the approaches are compared in terms of computational time.
... A 'wavelet' is a kind of mathematical function used to divide a given function or continuous-time signal into different frequency components and study each component with a resolution that matches its scale. The wavelet transform is a multi-resolution technique, which can be implemented as a pyramid or tree structure and is similar to sub-band decomposition [4,5,6,7].There are various wavelet transforms like Haar, Daubechies, Coiflet, Symlet and etc. They differ with each other in the formation and reconstruction. ...
- U. S. N. Raju
In this paper, steganography and cryptography methods are used together with wavelets to increase the security of the data while transmitting through networks. Steganography is implemented in Digital Images(Gray image). A technique called Least Significant Method (LSB) is used to embed the data into the image. In this paper, the watermark to be embedded is 'text'. Before embedding the plain text into the image, the plain text is encrypted by using Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm with given key. The encrypted text is embedded into the LL subband of the wavelet decomposed image using Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. Then the inverse wavelet transform is applied and the resultant image is transmitted to the receiver. At the receiver's end, the image is transformed using wavelet, from the LL subband the encrypted text is extracted by using LSB method and the result is decrypted using DES with the given key. The same procedure is done with Triple-DES with two keys and Triple-DES with three keys encryption methods and compared.
... Toward the trend of cognitive tools, a primary purpose of this work is to explore the use of cognitive computer tools such as MATLAB software, CMAP software and WebQuest Scenario by undergraduate students to engage and facilitate critical thinking and higher order learning. MATLAB software is a high-level programming language in which students implement a range of numerical methods and optimization techniques through group-based projects (team works) to get hands-on experience with modern scientific computing for solving numerical problems (Hanselman & Littlefield, 2012). Several research papers in literature recognize the significance of using MATLAB for solving numerical problems (Costică, 2015;Jebamalar-Leavline & Gnana-Singh, 2014;Jain et al., 2010;Davidovich & Ribakov, 2010;Liang & Pan, 2009). ...
The main objective of this paper is to propose a didactic framework for teaching Applied Mathematics in higher education. After describing the structure of the framework, several applications of inquiry-based learning in teaching numerical analysis and optimization are provided to illustrate the potential of the proposed framework. The framework is based on the Process of Scientific Inquiry (PoSI), while it consists of three pillars, each characterized by the use of a particular cognitive tool: Algorithm for presenting a list of steps to follow in order to solve a problem, CMAP software for constructing concept maps and MATLAB software for computer programming. In addition to this, a WebQuest Scenario can be used as an "auxiliary" cognitive tool by providing students with the opportunity to combine technology (e.g., MATLAB and CMAP software) with educational concepts (e.g., optimization), and to incorporate inquiry-based learning (i.e., PoSI). Introducing these cognitive tools to the design of the proposed didactic framework provides considerable potential of knowledge consolidation with reference to solving complex numerical problems using efficient algorithms. (Higher Education Studies, 8 (1),42-45)
... Powerful software programs like MATLAB [39] and SIMULINK (The Math ...
... The phase portraits belonging to the scaled system are obtained with initial values and system parameters in Eq. 2 on MATLAB [29] program. (2) Figure 2 shows phase portrait of x-y-z state variables. ...
In this study, a novel chaos-based hybrid encryption algorithm design for secure and effective image encryption is presented. To design the algorithm, the Zhongtang chaotic system has been selected because of its rich dynamic features and its dynamical analysis is performed. On the base of this system, a new chaos-based random number generator (RNG) is developed and usefulness of the designed RNG in an encryption process is shown over NIST 800-22 randomness tests. S-Box generation algorithm is designed, and the performance tests of S-Box are realized. By using the designed RNG and S-Box generation algorithms, the new hybrid image encryption algorithm based on AES (CS-AES) is developed. Image encryption applications are performed for comparison with other encryption algorithms in the literature to show its security level and efficiency. Security and performance analyses are made, and results are evaluated. So, it is proved that the proposed CS-AES algorithm is more secure and effective.
... These frameworks are powerful and contain multiple efficient algorithms for pattern recognition and image analysis. Another possible option is to use other commercial frameworks (Matlab (Hanselman and Littlefield, 2005)) or free libraries such as OpenCV (Bradski, 2000). ...
... It is understood byLazarou et al (2011) that one of the main issues is the construction and design of wind farms. To maximise efficiency of energy production, optimum wind turbine position and units of turbine must be obtained.Lazarou et al (2011) explained that the optimum wind turbine number is dependent on a number of factors; these factors range from the wind farm area, the wind turbine size, the wind speed, wind direction, terrain morphology and cost associated with the wind farm installation.Lazarou et al (2011) employed Powell's optimisation scheme to approximation the optimum total produced power in the wind farm and the optimal number of wind turbines.Lazarou et al (2011) calculated initial parameters following the methodology used byMosetti et al (1994) in conjunction with Matlab simulation knowledge fromRegister (2007) andHanselman and Littlefield (2005). It was remarked byLazarou et al (2011) that there is no appropriate and universal relevant method to describe another initial point, which gives another explanation, in order to minimise the objective function by applying the Powell's Scheme. ...
... The optimization problem is to determine d and A st to minimize equation (1) subject to the constraints equations (2) - (6). The parameters C c , C s and C f in equation (1) ...
Neural networks have been applied to structural engineering in recent years. Most of the research done till date is based on back propagation neural networks due to its well-studied theory. The thesis discusses and presents the applications of back propagation neural networks in conjunction with optimization techniques for the cost optimum design of simple R.C.C. structural elements using the programming package MATLAB and Solver Add In of MS excel. The thesis also includes the study of application of back propagation neural network for mapping a structural analysis problem of a three span continuous beam. In the due course of the thesis, the effects of the parameters, such as the number of nodes in the input layer, output layer and hidden layer, the pre-process of the training patterns and the selection of the learning rate and momentum rate, on the behavior of the neural network have been investigated. The suitability of feedforward network architecture for mapping structural analysis and design problems was analyzed. The various learning rules were studied to decide upon their suitability for dealing with the problem in hand. The effect of various transfer functions has been studied and their best possible combination was established in view of the problem in hand. Efficiency of the artificial neural systems in terms of their performance was studied and the conditions, which call for their application, shall be broadly determined. The overall results were compared and observed for the performance of the expert systems. Based on the applications, the efficacy of these systems over the conventional programs in terms of flexibility to cope with different types of problems and their ease of use and implementation was analyzed.
... erfð,Þ is the error function, erfðxÞ ¼ 2 ffiffi ffi p p R x 0 e Àh 2 dh. According to Eq. (1), for the given X c and C max , the Matlab software (Hanselman and Littlefield, 2005) is used to determine the diffusion coefficient of chloride ions by using the best fit of Eq. (1) with the experimentally obtained free chloride concentration profile. ...
- Junzhi Zhang
- Wei Luo
- Yuanfeng Wang
Using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in concrete is considered as one of the possible solutions to making green concrete. Previous research often analyzed the environmental impact of concrete without considering the influences of compressive strength and durability simultaneously. Such a practice will lead to less rational life cycle assessment (LCA) results, since the service life of concrete could be shortened when durability is poor, especially if concrete is exposed to marine dry-wet environment where chloride ion is intensive. Moreover, Fick's second law of diffusion was always used to determine the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete, without considering the influences of convection zone and peak value of chloride concentration. Therefore, this paper proposed an integrated functional unit combining durability (resistance to chloride ion diffusion), compressive strength and volume to evaluate the environmental impact of concrete containing SCMs. The chloride diffusion coefficient was calculated by re-scaling the ''zero'' of penetration axis to calibrate Fick's second law of diffusion. In addition, three other functional units (volume, combining volume and compressive strength, combing volume and durability) were also proposed and compared. Results indicate that the selection of functional unit has a significant influence on the LCA results of the studied concrete. Despite the variation with different functional units, concrete containing silica fume or silica fume as well as fly ash shows a consistently superior environmental performance over the ordinary concrete.
In this paper, I present the findings of my research, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the various open loop and closed loop responses of the armature speed of a DC motor to various types of input. The aim is to eventually design a control system using a PID controller for a faster and more stable response. The Ziegler Nichols tuning method is used to tune the PID controller. The various responses were recorded experimentally and graphs were produced for comparison and discussion. A mathematical model of the motor is derived to be used for theoretical analysis and simulation. The theoretical and simulated results are compared to the experimental outcomes to verify its reliability.
This paper is about a comparative study about Statistical tools available for Medical Images and Neuronal Data. Analyzing Medical images and neuronal data statistically there are many software packages available. The study is done with a comprehensive picture of the Definitions, Statistical Tests Errors, Precision, Variance. According to work flow of the tool and on various statistic Parameters. In this paper we have tried to show Tools available to statistically analyze various Medical modalities like CT Scan, PET, MRI, FMRI and we have shown comparison of specifically most popular software packages R, SPSS, SAS and Matlab.
This paper shows research work which is considered in the context of joint technologies, in particular with resistance spot welding (RSW). The welding process by electrical resistance is formed by different necessary steps in order to get a joint among two plates by electrodes. This paper is focused on the first step of the welding process, that is, in the mechanical contact prior to heating of plate by the Joule effect. In this first step several geometrical factors are studied, like the diameter of the electrode, the thickness of the plate, the applied pressure and radius wear on the electrode tip. These variables characterize the mechanical contact by the stress distribution between plate and electrode. In next papers, we will carried out with the process analysis, performing a study of transient state welding process with different roughness of plate and its influence on forge process.
Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this dissertation is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This dissertation does not include proprietary or classified information.
Simulation has been intensively involved nowadays in research and development for automotive industry. Driving simulators are one of those simulation techniques which are used to evaluate the prototypes for the vehicle dynamics and driving assistance systems. However with the driving simulator, there is a lock associated with its use. Because representing a permanent scenario as scale 1 is quite difficult. Because of that difficulty, motion/simulator sickness is an inevitably important topic to study.This thesis proposes to explore methods and tools to implement in static or dynamic simulators. In this implementation, studies of simulator sickness are conducted with objective measures (via a motion tracking sensor, platform for body stability, electromyography) and subjective (through questionnaires). These algorithmic or hardware solutions studies should be defined and applied at simulators. The proposed approaches to reduce or avoid simulator sickness in this thesis are:- Building control algorithms of motion hexapod platform: seven different algorithms are implemented.- Measuring the effects of inertia on subjects at vestibular, neuromuscular and postural levels.- Assessing the involvement of subjects (drivers and passengers).
- Wencheng Guo
- Daoyi Zhu
This paper studies the nonlinear modeling and operation stability of variable speed pumped storage power station (PSPS). Firstly, basic equations of variable speed PSPS are established. Nonlinear state equation in the form of relative deviation value is derived by considering supplementary conditions. Then, Hopf bifurcation analysis of variable speed PSPS is carried out. Stable domain of variable speed PSPS is studied. Finally, influence of factors on stability is analyzed. Dynamic response of variable speed PSPS is investigated. The results indicate that variable speed PSPS is a five‐order nonlinear dynamic system. Nonlinear characteristics of variable speed PSPS reflect the nonlinear coupling effect between unit speed and rotor current. The emerged Hopf bifurcation is supercritical. Stable domain locates at the lower side of bifurcation line. Stable domain intuitively reflects and evaluates the stability of variable speed PSPS. When state point locates at stable domain, variable speed PSPS is stable and dynamic response of state variables is damped oscillation. A smaller flow inertia of penstock, a greater head loss of penstock, and a greater slip ratio are favorable for stability of variable speed PSPS. Stable domain under positive disturbance of active power is larger than that under negative disturbance of active power. Model of variable speed pumped storage power station in the form of relative deviation value is proposed. Description and evaluation of stability of variable speed pumped storage power station are studied. Influence of factors on stability of variable speed pumped storage power station is revealed.
Site exploration and estimation of soil attributes are key parts of a geotechnical outline process. Geotechnical engineers must focus the normal qualities and variability of soil properties. In-situ testing is turning out to be progressively essential in geotechnical engineering, as basic laboratory tests may not be solid while more advanced lab testing can be drawn out and exorbitant. One of in-situ testing examples is the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). SPT is utilized to recognize soil type and stratigraphy alongside being a relative measure of quality. SPT is a settled technique for to determine soil properties, for example, bearing capacity, liquefaction and so forth. Various types of tests are being used around the world, institutionalization is essential with a specific end goal to encourage the examination of results from diverse examinations. The nature of the test relies on upon a few elements, including the real energy conveyed to the drill rod, the dynamic properties of the drill rod, the properties of the soil, the strategy for penetrating and the steadiness of the borehole. As per the inaccessibility of hardware, furthermore monetary and time restrictions in an undertaking project, correlations may be used to gauge the geotechnical parameters from the values obtained from the in-situ tests. One of the critical parameters is bearing capacity of the soil which could be assessed from standard penetration test. Additionally, a simple model is represented graphically in this paper to interpret SPT-N value.
The study was carried out to find out a suitable numerical procedure for establishing a graphical presentation of the soil profile of a site using SPT values and grain size analysis data. MATLAB numerical tool was used for this purpose and the soil properties was estimated using established empirical correlations. A computer Software was developed where SPT values at borehole locations, percent of grain sizes, water table and GPS coordinates of the site were used as inputs, Rectangular grids in 2-D or 3-D space were created for interpolation or extrapolation of the gridded data in 'meshgrid' format. The output yielded intermittent SPT profile and the contour plot matrix for subsoil soil condition of a site. The output soil-profile is presented by a 3-D shaded surface plot that would be useful for preliminary selection of a project site, land use planning, zoning ordinances, pre-disaster planning, capital investment planning, Fifteen borehole data of SPT values and grain sizes along a 20 km stretch of ongoing Janjira approach road project of Padma multipurpose bridge in Madaripur district were used to verify the usability of the developed Software. Disturbed soil sample were collected up to depths of 19.5m depth in every 1.5m interval to perform grain size analysis test. Excel spreadsheet was used where more than 500 data including SPT-N values, percent sand and fines at depths, GPS coordinated, reduce level and ground water table. The soils at the site were predominantly alluvial deposits. All these data were used in MATLAB interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. The purposes of the study were to find SPT contour profile and soil-profile of a particular alignment of the site and to extract borehole Log form SPT profile and soil-profile of a specific location of the alignment. Outcome of this study can be used in microzonation studies, site response analysis, calculation of bearing capacity of subsoils in the region and producing a number of parameters which are empirically related to SPT values.
One can describe geometric modeling as a large systematic process, whose input is an ordered stack of medical images that is submitted to a cascade of digital image operations and finite element algorithms. The outputs are accurate 3D surface and volume meshes, digital equivalents of the human tissue being modeled. Despite the usage of several computational methods, modeling human structures requires keen visual capabilities and anatomy knowledge. In this work a pipeline is proposed for modeling the bones of the upper and lower extremities (namely the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia and fibula) based on computed tomography (CT) images. Computed tomography is a non-invasive image modality that reveals the inner parts of the human body. The CT based pipeline relies on anisotropic diffusion, Gaussian and adaptive filters for image enhancement and restoration, semi-automatic segmentation using 3D active contour methods, algorithms for surface mesh generation and Delaunay tetrahedralization for volume mesh generation. The resulting surface meshes are anatomically compared with real (dead) bones. This qualitative comparison demonstrates the realism of the result of the modeling process. The quality of the volume mesh is also analyzed, and it is quantitatively confirmed that it has good quality for subsequent finite element computations. The list of software employed for geometric modeling of anatomical structures based on CT images is presented. The majority of the software is non-commercial.
Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) have an intrinsic simplicity and low cost that makes them well suited to many applications. However, the motor has doubly salient structure and highly non-uniform torque and magnetization characteristic. Since it was hard to determine the accurate mathematical model of (SRM) .The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) solve the problem of non-linearity of SRM drive. It ensures fast, accurate, less overshoot and high precision dynamic response with perfect steady state performance. In the simulation analysis, this paper tests the (SRM) motor adopting two different control modes at starting process under full load torque with a reference speed of 2000 rpm, and the load disturbance under full load torque with a reference speed 2250 rpm. Simulation results show that speed control is better using (ANN) controller than using the (PID) controller. Matlab/Simulink tool is used for the dynamic simulation study.
This novel study-abroad January (J-term) course co-taught by the authors (from mathematics and mechanical engineering) is described in detail. It evolves as a journey, both academically and geographically, with most topics being directly related to the Incas and / or symmetry. Students learned about quipus (a complex system of knot-tying for recording numerical and other data), la chakana symbol, la yupana (an abacus-like calculating device), geometrical symmetry of frieze and wallpaper patterns commonly depicted on buildings and in textiles, and the stability of structures, important because of the common occurrence of earthquakes. In addition, the famous enigmatic Nazca lines and the steamship, Yavari, on the highest elevation commercial lake in the world, (Lake Titicaca) were studied onsite. This adventurous course, whether by land, air, or water, traversed through much of Peru (0-14,000 ft), including the cities of Lima, Nazca, Arequipa, Puno and Lake Titicaca (islands of Uros and Taquile), Cusco, Aquas Calientes, and the beach community of Huanchaco Trujillo. The highlight of the course was visiting the famous lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu. Samples of student work, assessment, and lessons learned are provided that offer practical advice for others considering offering similar courses.
- Wencheng Guo
- Daoyi Zhu
This paper investigates the critical stable sectional area (CSSA) of downstream surge tank (DST) of hydropower plant with sloping ceiling tailrace tunnel (SCTT). Firstly, two types of nonlinear mathematical model of hydropower plant with SCTT during transient process are established. Then, the criterion of operation stability of hydropower plant is obtained based on nonlinear stability theory. Formulae for CSSAs of DST under two types of mathematical model are derived. Finally, the similarities, differences, and relationships of different CSSAs are clarified. The effect mechanisms of the assumption of steady power output of hydro‐turbine and the SCTT on CSSA of DST are revealed. The recommended use conditions of different CSSAs are explained. The results indicate that, under the assumption of steady power output of hydro‐turbine, the formula for CSSA of DST of hydropower plant with SCTT is analytical and has a simple expression. Under the complete model, the formula for CSSA of DST of hydropower plant with SCTT is not analytical and has a complicated expression. The former formula is suggested to be given the priority of use because of good precision and concise expression. SCTT can improve the stability of hydropower plant and decrease the CSSA of DST. Algebraic criterion of operation stability of hydropower plant with sloping ceiling tailrace tunnel is obtained. Formulae for critical stable sectional areas of downstream surge tank under two types of mathematical model are derived. Effect mechanisms and recommended use conditions of different critical stable sectional areas are explained.
Forecasting methods have had successful applications in business. Nowadays the new theories of soft computing are used for these purposes. The applications in business have specific features in comparison with others. The forecasting plays very important roles especially in business because it helps to reduce costs that can lead to higher profits and to success in the competitive fight. There are various forecasting methods used: classical ones and methods using soft computing. There are especially the methods such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and the theory of chaos.
- A P Silva
- C A Alfaro
1 INTRODUCCION Debido a las repetidas aplicaciones de las cargas de los vehículos, las condiciones ambientales y otros factores, el tiempo de servicio de un pavimento dis-minuye, esto a su vez incrementa los costos de ope-ración y el mantenimiento de la vía. Mediante el análisis estructural de acuerdo a las propiedades del material para cada capa en términos del módulo elás-tico, la relación de poisson y el espesor de las capas es posible determinar la vida remanente del pavi-mento que junto con el análisis de los parámetros es-tructurales (deflexiones, radio de curvatura) consti-tuyen herramientas importantes para el diseño de Red neuronal artificial en el retrocálculo de módulos en capas de pavimento flexible RESUMEN: Este trabajo sigue una metodología de retrocálculo que implementa una Red Neuronal Artificial (RNA) para determinar los valores de módulos en las capas de un pavimento flexible. El retrocálculo es un procedimiento para obtener los módulos de las capas de un pavimento, que mejor modelan la forma y magni-tud de la cuenca de deflexiones medidas. Los módulos determinados de esta manera se consideran representa-tivos de la respuesta estructural del pavimento. La RNA está compuesta por un vector de entrada con 9 neu-ronas: la cuenca de deflexiones (D0, D25, D30, D60, D90, D120), los espesores en las capas asfáltica y granular y el radio de curvatura. Un vector de salida compuesto por 3 neuronas, correspondientes a los módulos de la ca-pa asfáltica, la capa granular y la subrasante. Los resultados muestran que las RNA pueden ser usadas para el retrocálculo de módulos en capas de pavimento flexible con buenas aproximaciones. ABSTRACT: This work follows an backcalculation methodology that implements an Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) in order to define each moduli-value for a layer on a flexible pavement. In a pavement layer put in a basin–deflection model, the backcalculation methodology is considered one of the best ways for obtain shape and magnitude. For a structural answer of the pavement it should be considered the moduli-value data got in this methodology. A vector with 9 enter-neurons made up the ARN: the basin-deflections (D0, D25, D30, D60, D90, D120), the asphalt and the granular layer-thickness, and the curvature-radius. For asphalt-layer, granular-layer and subgrade is assigned an exit-vector (compose by three neurons). For a backcalculation of moduli in each pavement layer the ARN can be used for get good results.
- Paulo Nolberto dos Santos Alarcon
Visual Programming Languages have been widely used in the context of Model-Based Development, and they find a particular appeal for the design of satellite subsystems, such as the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS) which is an extremely complex part of a spacecraft. The software testing community has been trying to ensure high quality products with as few defects as possible. Given that exhaustive generation and execution of software test cases are unfeasible in practice, one of the initiatives is to reduce the sets of test cases required to test a Software/System Under Test, while still maintaining the efficiency (ability to find product defects, code coverage). This paper presents a new methodology to generate test cases for Visual Programming Language models, aiming at minimizing the set of test cases/steps but maintaining efficiency. The approach, called specification Patterns, modified Condition/Decision coverage, and formal Verification to support Testing (PCDVT), combines the Modified Decision/Condition Coverage (MC/DC) criterion, Model Checking, specification patterns, and a minimization approach by identifying irreplaceable tests in a single method, taking advantage of the benefits of all these efforts in a unified strategy. Results showed that two instances of PCDVT presented a lower cost (smaller number of test steps) and, basically, the same efficiency (model coverage) if compared with a specialist ad hoc approach. We used the AOCS model of a Brazilian satellite in order to make the comparison between the methods.
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